GreyCat Aviation
MILCOMP Commercial Pilot
Military Compentency
As a current or former military pilot, you can earn an FAA Commercial Pilot certificate without an FAA check ride. If you were a military instructor pilot, you can also earn FAA Certified Flight Instructor certificates. The privilege of getting an initial FAA CFI certificate without a oral exam and check-ride is an outstanding benefit!
After earning your MILCOMP FAA licenses, if you are interested in adding additional airplane classes, such as single-engine or multi-engine to your Commercial or CFI licenses, removing a centerline thrust restriction or preparing for your Airline Transport Pilot Practical Test (check ride), contact us.
A military pilot or former military pilot may apply for a FAA Commercial Pilot certificate without taking a practical test (check ride). FAR 61.73
- Pass a military compentency aeronautical knowledge test
- Sheppard Air is a popular preparation/study program
- Call CATS or LaserGrade to schedule your test at a local testing center
- Make an appointment at your local FSDO -or-
- Make an appointment with a DPE (may charge a fee)
- Your certificate will reflect category and class of your military platforms
- Single engine, land - e.g. T-6, T-45, F-16
- Multi engine, land - e.g. P-3, P-8, C-130, F/A-18,
F-15, F-22 (Center Thrust Restriction no longer applies)
- Rotorcraft, helicopter - e.g. H-60, H-53
- Instrument rating may be granted for appropriate category and class
- Type ratings can be gained if your military platform has a civilian equivalent.

Military Flight Physicals

Current military flight exams authorizing pilot flight status meets the FAA requirement for operations that require an FAA 3rd class medical.
- The DD2992 (or equivalent) must not have expired (usually 12 months after exam)
- You must carry a copy of the DD2992 (or equivalent) when you fly
- Acceptable as a current medical for FAA practical tests
MILCOMP Certified Flight Instructor
Current and former military instructor pilots may apply for an FAA Certified Flight Instructor certificate without taking a practical test.
- Hold a commercial pilot certificate
- Hold an instrument rating
- Pass a military compentency aeronautical knowledge test
- Sheppard Air is a popular preparation/study program
- Call CATS or LaserGrade to schedule your test at a testing center
- Make an appointment at your local FSDO -or-
- Make an appointment with a DPE (may charge a fee)
- Your certificate will match your Commercial Certificate category and class, for example
- CFI-Airplane, Single Engine
- CFI-Airplane, Multi Engine
- CFI-Instrument Airplane (or helicopter)
- CFI-Rotorcraft, Helicopter