GreyCat Aviation
Recommended CFIs and Flight Schools in the Hampton Roads, VA area
- Curtis Eads Flight School - www.curtiseads.com
FAA Designated Pilot Examiners, Hampton Roads, VA area
- Mike Gwinn - oncourseaviationllc.com
FAA Regulations and Standards
-Federal Aviation Regulations for Certification of Pilots - FAR 61
-Federal Aviation Regulations for General Operating and Flight Ops - FAR 91
-Tailwheel Training - FAR 61.31(i)
-Military Comp - FAR 61.73
-Airman Certification Standards and Practical Test Standards - www.faa.gov/training_testing/testing/test_standards
Pilot Supplies and Shopping
GreyCat Aviation is an Aircraft Spruce approved dealer. Please contact us for any of your aircraft shopping needs.
-Aircraft Spruce - www.aircraftspruce.com
Study Resources
I highly recommend the FAA textbooks. Not only are they the source material for the FAA written and practical exams, they are well written and easy to use...and free for download.
-General Knowledge
-Aeronautical Information Manual
-Sport, Private and Commercial
-Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
-Instrument Procedures Handbook
-Certified Flight Instructor
-Aviation Instructor's Handbook
-Airline Preparation
-Everything Explained for the Professional Pilot (not an FAA text, but a must have!)
Flight Planning
-Skyvector - www.skyvector.com
-AIRNAV - www.airnav.com
-NOAA Aviation Weather Service - www.aviationweather.gov
-Foreflight (iPad and iPhone app) - www.foreflight.com